What is Cohousing?

Cohousing is:

  1. Intentional community - living in private homes with the benefit of commonly owned and managed amenities.

  2. A modern alternative to an old-fashioned neighborhood - 20-40 households in clustered housing with pedestrian-friendly design.

  3. Sustainable - energy efficient building techniques and materials, shared resources like snow blowers and lawn mowers, sustainable approaches to living.

  4. Life-enhancing - shared meals, gardening, and child care makes life more relaxing and leaves time for individual pursuits.

Why choose to live in Cohousing?


  • Neighbors commit to being a part of a community for everyone's mutual benefit.

  • Cohousing cultivates a culture of sharing and caring.

  • Design features and neighborhood size (typically 20-40 homes) promote frequent interaction and close relationships.

Balancing Privacy and Community

  • Cohousing neighborhoods are designed for privacy as well as community.

  • Residents balance privacy and community by choosing their own level of engagement.


  • Decision making is participatory and usually based on consensus.

  • Self-management empowers residents, builds community, and saves money.

Shared Values

  • Cohousing communities support residents in actualizing shared values.

  • Cohousing communities typically adopt green approaches to living.

What do I own if I purchase a home in Flagstaff Cohousing?

You own your private home plus a share of the common facilities and grounds. Our community will feature a common house with a kitchen and a dining room for shared meals and other amenities that the members agree upon. For example, many of our initial members are creative and would enjoy an art/craft space. All of us desire a library/reading room, and we hope to have a couple of apartments for visitors or to house a care-giver for members of our community who may need assistance. We are committed to having a community garden so that we can grow some of our own food. A common laundry is a typical amenity as is a children's room.

What will it cost me? What does it look like?

Flagstaff Cohousing is our dream and we are working hard toward fulfilling that dream. In the fairly near future, we will be able to determine what our homes and common facilities will cost and what they will look like. We are building our community of neighbors now. Join us and help realize our dream!

How do I become a member of Flagstaff Cohousing?

We welcome your interest in our cohousing dream! Membership with Flagstaff Cohousing offers several benefits including being a part of our general meetings and discussions and the opportunity to be a key decision maker in the planning of our community.

If you are interested in becoming a member, please visit our Membership Portal.

Are We a Match?

If you answer YES to most of the following questions, you and Flagstaff Cohousing might be a good fit:

  1. Do you like the idea of getting to know your neighbors as friends and lending them a hand when they could use some help?

  2. Are you willing to forego a garage attached to your house-walking instead from a central parking area in order to have a pedestrian-friendly neighborhood?

  3. Would you enjoy participating in periodic community workdays to keep our common areas tidy and well maintained?

  4. Are you comfortable with houses clustered together, in order to protect more community open space?

  5. Do you want to be part of a community dedicated to reducing its environmental impact?

  6. Do you like the idea of weekly community dinners?

  7. Do you like a quiet day at home followed by a spontaneous BBQ, dessert, or movie with neighbors?

  8. Do you like gardening side by side with your neighbors and sharing the bounty at a community or home cooked meal?

  9. Do you like nourishing body and soul with good food, good health, and good company?

  10. Do you like living mindfully in community, encouraging wisdom, compassion and interpersonal growth?

  11. Do you like experiencing stylish, thoughtfully designed interior living?

  12. Would you like to share inviting outdoor spaces such as gardens, courtyards, decks, patios and views?